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Video by Tee Major Fitness
Great Strength Training Exercises
by Strongains
Video by Tee Major Fitness
by Strongains
Lying triceps extensions have always been among the premier exercises for filling out your upper arms, but you may not be getting the full effect.
Pointing your guns perpendicular to the floor when you lock the weight out gives your triceps a break—the load transfers to your elbow joints. It’s just like the top position of a bench press, and it doesn’t stimulate the triceps.
Instead, move your arms back a bit so they’re about 45 degrees to the floor. When you bend your elbows, the weight will come down below the back of your head, giving the triceps a greater stretch.
When you extend your elbows, you can still lock out the weight, giving you the benefit of training through a full range of motion, but your tri’s will stay engaged because your arms are at an angle rather than vertical.The pull of gravity will focus the load squarely on the triceps.
Another Advantage – Because the weight never sits directly on the joints, this extension won’t aggravate your elbows.
via Build Your Upper Arms With the Lying Triceps Extension
Image Public Domain from pixabay
by Strongains
You’ve probably done an elbow plank so many times by now that you know the drill by heart: straight back, belly button pulled in, and palms flat on your mat (trying not to clasp them in prayer pose if possible). But Cassandra Bodlak, group exercise manager at Equinox Sports Club, recommends her clients do a slight modification that’s a little more challenging: when in elbow plank, flip your hands over so your palms are facing up.
Pressing through an elbow plank with palms facing down will help keep back muscles engaged and clasping hands together in a fist will enlist your chest muscles to help stabilize you, but flipping your hands over will make your plank even more about the core, Cassandra explains. “Performing a plank with palms up [will] disengage some of the support from the muscles of the hand and forearm,” she says. In other words, simply moving your hands will help you get on the fast track to sculpted abs.
Related: Tone Your Entire Body With This 1 Move
Another reason to go palms up? You’ll help unround those hunched-over shoulders. “It takes the pronator teres (one of the major forearm muscles) and positions it in what is called the ‘anatomical position’ (palms forward when standing, palms up when prone in a plank), which is the most desirable position in which to function,” Cassandra explains. “We are all busy typing on keyboards these days, encouraging a particular position of the forearm: palms down. Simply repositioning the forearms in your plank helps to create a balance.”
Sculpted abs and looking taller are two great reasons to try the “palms up” modification the next time you’re in an elbow plank, but don’t worry if making this change has you collapsing into Child’s Pose sooner than you’re used to. Cassandra offers this encouragement: “When you perform a plank, perform it to the best of your ability in the moment you’re in – palms in prayer, palms flat, or palms up, it’s probably one more plank than you did yesterday, right? Keep it up!”
by Strongains
You’ll think that you’re eating healthy, but the foods you’re REALLY eating may be worse than the junk food you normally eat.
Learn about the healthier alternative foods that you should be eating instead of these 5 foods.
In this video your shown why “going on a diet” DOESN’T WORK. And a much more effective “eating system” to use instead, so you can stay lean and toned without having to count calories or constantly stress about your diet.
If you’re struggling with losing your stubborn belly fat, you need to see this NOW:
by Strongains
Are you serious about shedding belly fat and also obtaining those six pack abs? Check out this video.
If you’ve been constantly looking to have a flat stomach by using cardio exercises and STILL can’t shake that belly fat. Discover how you can turn things around by this 1 weird method to burn more calories through increasing your metabolic rate.
This video clip reveals a “technique” to increase your metabolic process, as well as reveals exactly how you could use it to obtain a flat stomach quickly:
These 5 exercises will certainly lean you up as well as provide you with the tone and physical body you’ve been looking for.
by Strongains
It seems like each week we are bombarded by news about threats to our health. Cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions are all caused among other factors, but poor health conditions. When people make poor food choices over time, do not exercise, and become obese they raise their chance of being stricken by these and other chronic diseases.
The good news is, that these diseases are largely preventable. When we begin to make small changes such as eating a healthier diet, getting better sleep and exercising, our odds of getting those life-threatening illnesses go down significantly.
So, exercise is the key to maintaining and restoring good health. Sticking with a good exercise program is the best insurance against future health challenges. A great side benefit is that when we exercise regularly we feel better about ourselves, we feel happier and more energetic, and more able to handle the stress of everyday life.